RS Mines, The Queen’s Mine Crystalline Graphite.

The Ultimate Difference in Performance

RS Mines, Owner, and Operator of The Queen’s Mine, since 2009

Types of Graphite

There are three types of starting base Graphites: Synthetic, Flake, and Crystalline Graphite. Here is a brief of how they perform:


  • Feed stock is petroleum coke Synthetic Graphite is graphitised petroleum coke.

  • High carbon footprint

  • 99% to 99.9% carbon content

  • High energy per unit mass

  • China 80% of production

  • Poor crystallinity due to stressed production environment

  • Expensive, reaching $20,000/tonne USD.


  • Naturally occurring

  • Low carbon footprint

  • 4-15% (avg 8.45%) carbon content

  • Lower energy per unit mass

  • Requires primary processing reducing end performance quality.


  • Naturally occurring, Unique to Sri Lanka

  • Lowest carbon footprint

  • 99.99% carbon content

  • Highest energy per unit mass

  • Commercial quantities only available in Sri Lanka

Synthetic graphite has been a primary source of graphite for EV lithium-ion batteries due to its high energy per unit mass, however, due to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) pressure to reduce the carbon footprint of EV production and remove the dependence on Chinese supply, demand for natural graphite is growing rapidly.

This makes RS Mines, The Queen’s Mine, Crystalline Vein Graphite, highly desirable due to its unique multi-layer graphene structure, which offers superior energy storage capabilities, highest levels of conductivity, and robust thermal resistance, all while maintaining a low carbon footprint. There is simply no better choice for EV Lithium Ion Batteries.

RS Mines, Owner, and Operator of The Queen’s Mine, since 2009. The largest Crystalline Graphite Resource in the World. RS Mines The Queen’s Mine Crystalline Graphite, the epitome of electric vehicle battery anode performance. Crystalline Graphite

RS Mines, The Queen’s Mine, Environmentally Sustainable Graphite

The Most Environmentally Friendly Graphite, Sustainably Mined and Utilised.

Synthetic graphite production involves an energy-intensive processes such as high-temperature furnaces to graphitise petroleum coke, a by-product from refining oil.

  • Flake graphite requires open pit mining and extensive primary beneficiation and concentration with associated tailings and effluents.

  • RS Mines, Crystalline Vein Graphite is naturally a very high grade Graphite with a minimum of 97%-99.99% carbon purity shipping directly from the mine, and therefore does not require primary beneficiation (nor a tailings dam). It is also mined by underground methods giving it a small surface footprint. Via a eco-friendly purification process, the carbon content can easily be raised to 99.99% for all The Queen’s Mine Graphite output.

  • Sri Lanka is renowned for its high-quality crystalline vein graphite and is the only know producer in commercial quantities. Crystalline graphite is naturally the highest grade in the world, with over 97% carbon. Crystalline Vein graphite has a higher degree of crystallinity than flake and synthetic graphites which translates into excellent electrochemical properties for lithium-ion batteries.

Open Pitt Mining Vs Deep Mining, RS Mines, The Queen's Crystalline Graphite Mine